Meeting with NH Dini
Written by eastern writer on Friday, April 04, 2008Nurhayati Sri Hardini Siti Nukatin also known as NH Dini was born in Semarang, Central Java, on February 29, 1936. Dini is one of Indonesian Feminist Writer who have started writing her literary works (novel and short story) since the 1950-60s decade when she was sixteen years old. And she amazingly keep writing her new novel up to now, after releasing "La Grande Borne" (2007) she recently released a new novel "Argenteuil" (March 2008). At least more than 20s books has been wrote by Dini. (Read more about NH Dini at Indonesian Wikipedia)
Image: NH Dini celebrate 68 birthday in Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta. [image taken from]
I find any information related to NH Dini on the net. A blogger told on her blog that she has a simple ambition in his life. What's that, meeting with NH Dini. Wouw... sound great!
Aku punya satu cita-cita sederhana. Bertemu NH Dini, salah satu penulis buku yang aku kagumi.
Sudah beberapa tahun ini, terlebih sejak aku membaca Namaku Hiroko, Pada Sebuah Kapal dan Dari Parangakik ke Kampuchea, aku terobsesi ingin bertemu beliau. Mungkin sama sepertinya keinginan Happy Salma bertemu Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Bedanya, cita-cita Happy sudah tercapai, cita-citaku belum.
"Speaking of love, I had the opportunity to be introduced recently to one of your famous literary writers, by the name of NH Dini. I am not a literary person, and I haven't read any of her work (I used to read books by Hamka when I was a kid). But, she is one of those who exude a certain aura of love and compassion, no doubt gained from her life experience of 70 years, and all the people and events that contribute to it. And when she smiled at me, I felt so accepted and so understood. I love her, that lady, and I wish her blessings and joy the rest of her wonderful life."
More links related to NH Dini on the net:
- Buku NH Dini Cermin Batin Perempuan
- Biography of NH Dini at Wikipedia
- Brisbane with NH Dini
- Feminisme Eksistensialis, Sebuah Tinjauan dan Refleksi
- Biography of NH Dini at Tokoh Indonesia
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