Freud and his works: The Adventure of the psychoanalysis
Written by eastern writer on Monday, July 30, 2007Hors-Série n°1 - 1er semestre 2000, Magazine Littéraire
Inaugurating the XXe century with " the Interpretation of the dreams ", Freud opens a royal way. The discovery of unconscious shakes the reign of the Reason and invites the men with a new experiment of themselves. Vast adventure where are revealed the most secret mechanisms to be it. Freud locates the man on another scene where the memory, the language and the History are tied. The whole century will be convened there. Beyond the therapeutic one, the thought freudienne, which touched with fields as various as the literature, art or the policy, became the great philosophical and cultural experiment XXe century. Freud thus joined Marx to form with the zenith of the Sixties a mythical tandem which carried many hopes of revolution. Hundred years of psychoanalysis. Hundred years of words. And also, with the image of a movement whose genesis was extremely tormented, hundred years of conflicts, quarrels, unceasingly disputed theories. First seraglio freudien with the experts of today, this extraordinary melts our modernity. It is a question here of telling it.
Freud in its time
7 the lapse of memory of Vienna per Paul-Laurent Assoun
8 Chronology by Raymond Bellour
11 everyday life of Freud according to Ernest Jones
the 14 asceticism freudienne: letters with Fliess
by Eric Laurent
18 Freud, thinker and thought by Gerard Legrand
21 Freud and Nietzsche by Paul-Laurent Assoun
24 Zweig: the witness by Colette Soler
26 biographical sources of Freud
by Raymond Bellour
Glances on work
29 the discovery of Freud per Serge Cottet
30 "Five psychoanalyses" of Freud
33 what to dream wants to say by Jean-Pierre George
35 "the Interpretation of the dreams", hundred years afterwards
36 dreams of Freud per Monique Schneider
40 Some famous patients :
Anna O, the first by Colette Soler
42 gynécophile by Julia Kristeva Gilded
44 the man with the wolves by Daniel Sibony
45 small Hans by Patrick Guyomard
47 Thomas Woodrow Wilson: between Machiavel
and Ubu by Gerard Miller
48 Freud, Dostoïevski, the caster by Philippe Sollers
55 a theory of civilization
by François Châtelet
58 speeches on the policy by Christian Jambet
To see Freud
Heirs to Freud
64 Dictionary of the direct heirs
by David Rabouin
69 Jung, the irreducible one by Gilbert Durand
73 Ferenczi, the child cherished by François George
74 Lou Andreas-Salome, the admirable one
by Raymond Bellour
76 Binswanger, the disciple by Catherine Clément
78 America freudienne 1906-1960
by Elisabeth Roudinesco
the 80 United States: antifreudism of the end of the century
82 Reich and Marcuse:
misadventures of the freudo-Marxism
by Domenica-Antoine Grisoni
85 Adorno vis-a-vis with the psychoanalysis
by Grooving Rochlitz
88 Sartre: the existential psychoanalysis
by Michel Contat
91 the antipsychiatric dispute
by Christian Delacampagne
93 antipsychiatry today
94 Homage to Lacan by Philippe Sollers
95 Lacan or European identity
by Catherine Clément
97 Lacan in some dates
98 To read Lacan
99 the child post-freudien by Anny Cordié
102 "Marx-and-Freud": history of a myth
by Catherine Clément
105 Crisis of the psychoanalysis?
by Elisabeth Roudinesco
107 Short history of the freudism in France
109 Assessments
110 the French constellation by David Rabouin
114 the psychoanalytical revolution remains to be made
by Marthe Robert
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