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Reading Nietzsche Philosophy

Written by son of rambow on Friday, July 02, 2010

Many of Nietzsche's philosophy outlined in the form of aphorisms. It is not difficult to read the aphorisms in the form of short sentences. But It would be not easy to understand the symbols contained therein. Precisely herein lies the difficulty to understand the Nietzsche's philosophy. In this case, Nietzsche is the philosopher's most elusive throughout the history of modern philosophy. So no surprise that many of his philosophical teachings misunderstanding.

Nietzsche's philosophical style of the aphorism is not considered common and not systematically. Such presumption is ahistorical because it means thinking with the system-as was done by the philosopher before Nietzsche-that is what Nietzsche demolished. Style of philosophizing with a conscious aphorisms used by Nietzsche is not simply because of dissatisfaction with the traditional form, more firmly again to annihilate the system.

Nietzsche's rejection of the philosophers of the system because the system did not question the assumption that they used. A system of thought must be based on these premises, but within the framework of the system, these premises can not be questioned again. Philosophical assumptions of the philosopher simply assumed, as by right to him. The will to system is none other than the way the philosophers to want the truth (Will to Truth) as taken for granted.

For Nietzsche the truth impossible packaged in a system. His antisistem does not mean that Nietzsche does not use the presmis. He used it, but not to lead readers to a conclusion or settlement of the problem, but to explore the hidden assumptions of an idea, including his own. Here, Nietzsche is not just philosophizing with a hammer who want to destroy what is supposed taken for granted, but also a "teacher's suspicions".

Nietzsche rejected the universal truth. For him truth is perspectival. Assessing the truth depend on the standpoint of the meaning. Nietzsche's perspective is known as perspektivisme. With this perspective, there is no any physical reality that are beyond interpretation. There is only a variety of viewpoints.

Perspectivism in line with Nietzsche's attitude antisistem. How to think with the system ignores the question of the underlying assumptions. Though there is no one system that can reveal the whole truth, at best a system represents only one viewpoint. For that reason, we need to consider various viewpoints and do not limit themselves to one system only.

Nietzschean-perspectivism outlook beyond the two extremes of subjectivism and obyektivisme, which eliminates the relation of thought and subject is thinking about it. In his perspectivism, Nietzsche uses fisio-genealogical analysis that the problem is not the object or subject, but lies in how the human relationship with everything. Then the inevitable contradictions in Nietzsche's worldview. Contradictions that just accidentally shown with their respective consequences. Remember, his attitude toward God, as well the reality, is yes-and-not all at once. Therefore, the best way to understand Nietzsche, according to Karl Jasper, is to find his contradiction.

Besides the already mentioned, the use of Nietzsche's aphorism used to describe the complexity of the concepts and ideas. With aphorisms Nietzsche want to solve the congestion language to convey the pluralistic and chatic realities. Language is not as though by the people that they able to represent all of reality, in fact, language is a stumbling attempt to say something unspeakable. At the word "God", "the Will", "Morality" and other words mentioned in the teachings of his philosophy, Nietzsche wanted to exceed what he would say.

In the end, through aphorism Nietzsche would invite his readers to dive into the depths behind the appearance of the word. Therefore, the best way to understand the terms that were introduced in Nietzsche philosophy such as "Will to Power", "the Eternal Recurrence", "the Overman", by treating them as a literary strategy that used by Nietzsche to invite the reader understand something to be conveyed.

In a number of his works we would find many sarcastic words. Nietzsche often speaks of "war", "conflict", "power". Even when he talks about himself in the perfection of Overman inevitable he also mentioned the higher and lower races. Was Nietzsche vent his hatred for certain human groups, Christians, for example? How ridiculous Nietzsche was, he sharply critical ressentiment attitude on human-slave while he himself still trapped in the low morale. Read every Nietzsche phrase literally inevitably will bear the nosy and the response is likely to mislead. Let alone on others, he is sarcastic even to he himself.

Really Nietzsche sarcastic with himself? Would not in the "Ecce Homo" Nietzsche praise for himself? Like "Why I Am So Wise", "Why I Am So Clever", "Why I Wrote So Good Books". Does not this phrase, is the attitude of excessive self-praise, an attitude heavyweight megalomania? We also need to ask again, that in an excessive nature is a variant of the parody. Compliments are very outrageous shown by Nietzsche is treated to reinforce the effects of laughter accompanied seriousness.

"Who Among You Can laugh and be elevated at the Same Time?" asked Zarathustra. Death of God which should not be treated with joy by philosophers because they do not know how to laugh at himself. As a result of philosophy of science fails to be a fun "The Gay Science". What Nietzsche want is seriousness without ignoring a cheerful play.

We need to play because in play one can find something new. This is perhaps ignored from the attention that he wanted to celebrate the creativity to find new value. And as a consequence, if we are to follow Nietzsche way of thinking, eventually Nietzsche to be rejected: "Now let me and you find yourself, if you all have denied me I will come to you".

by Udin Attar

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